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SEC and BI2 Launch

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On Monday October 23, 2023 the Security Executive Council (SEC) and Mercyhurst came together to celebrate their official opening of their collaborative laboratory. The Business Intelligence and Innovation Laboratory (BI2) is the hybrid lab that looks to combine the resources of both the SEC and Mercyhurst to create a lab that looks to create intelligence-driven products that inform the SEC and their clients ahead of time about supply chain and industry-level issues. The lab has the agility to work on both strategic and operational level issues to inform decision-makers.
The official opening of the lab commenced with speeches from Dr. Kathleen Getz, President of Mercyhurst University, and Bob Hayes and Dan Savageau of SEC. Shortly following these words President Getz and Bob Hayes cut the red ribbon in front of the Laboratory door, officially marking the opening of the lab.
Since its official opening, the lab has been highly effective at informing decision makers and stakeholders. The lab produces weekly reports based on analyst generated lists of geopolitical concerns that are likely to have an effect on client supply chains. The lab has also been effective at responding quickly to critical situations, giving clients the best-possible foreknowledge to manage situations as they continue to evolve.
The CIRAT looks forward to the future successes of the BI2 lab, the continued partnership with the SEC, and the continued training of intelligence analysts.